Антон Белоусов

Антон Белоусов

Опыт работы
health canada
Должностные обязанности:

prinjatie reshenij po zajavkam na klinicheskie ispytanija med preparatov. evaluate the quality of the drug products used in Phase I, II and III clinical trial for compliance with regulatory requirements based on knowledge of Canada Food and Drugs Act, Schedule B compendia, ICH and other international authorities directives, GMP principles as well as expertise in key analytical techniques, chemical synthesis and drug product manufacturing

Описание деятельности компании: kanadskij minzdrav, clinical trial assessment, Canadian health policy, new drugs registration etc.HC is in partnership with provincial and territorial governments, Health Canada provides national leadership to develop health policy, enforce health regulations, promote disease prevention and enhance healthy living for all Canadians. It also works closely with other federal departments, agencies and health stakeholders to reduce health and safety risks to Canadians.
Общая информация
Отрасль: Государственные учреждения
Специализация: Аналитическое управление
Должность: Аналитик
Английский (Свободный)
Французский (Разговорный)
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