Prepare and submit monthly, half-year, and yearly reports to the Employment Fund. Deal with Social Insurance Fund (order social insurance cards, send requests for payments etc.). Issue employment contracts, orders, letters, references and other documentation related to personnel. Receive, check and file employees’ timesheets, sick leave bulletins etc. Produce the payroll journal and submit for payment on a monthly basis. Update the company’s monthly Headcount report. Review and update company’s Organization chart. Produce vacation schedules and accrual reports. Keep records of insurance coverage and personnel transactions, such as hires, promotions, transfers, and terminations. Recruit, interview, and select employees to fill vacant positions. Work with recruitment sources in order to attract and obtain suitable applicants. Prepare job descriptions. Deal with the Migration Service – obtaining work permits and residence permits for expatriate employees and their dependants. Arrange periodical medical examination for employees. Provide guidance on Labor legislation to Line managers.