Бизнес-школа ITC Group

Legal writing. Юридическая переписка на английском языке

26 февраля 2025 27 февраля 2025
Безопасность, Право, Генеральное руководство



Семинары и тренинги на английском языке проводятся при определенном количестве человек в группе. Рекомендуем проведение обучения на английском языке в корпоративном формате в любом городе РФ и СНГ.

Тренинги на английском в открытом формате проводят филологи, преподаватели английского языка, преимущественно русскоязычные. По запросу компаний приглашаем англоязычных преподавателей, а также бизнес-тренеров / узких профильных специалистов со знанием английского языка / с филологическим образованием.

По специализированным темам (деловое письмо на английском, юридический английский, логистика на английском, межкультурная коммуникация на английском, управление проектами на английском и др.) возможно привлечение узких специалистов со знанием языка (юристов, логистов, культурологов со знанием специфики той или иной страны, специалистов по управлению проектами и других). В данном случае стоимость определяется с учетом темы, специфики, уровня того или иного специалиста / преподавателя в Москве и в Санкт-Петербурге.

Для кого

юристы и бизнесмены, которым необходимо знание специализированной правовой лексики.

Описание программы:

Цель программы:

  • Усовершенствовать уровень как общего, так специализированного языка, что дает возможность всестороннего развития навыков деловой переписки на английском языке.

The course is designed to enhance professionals' English writing capacities, with a specific focus on Anglo-Saxon legal terminology and principles. Concentrating on business law terminology, this course will assist practicing lawyers, advanced law students, legal translators and paralegals to become comfortable in working with English "legalese."

Advanced legal writing is a session touching on topics of style, presentation, grammar, common mistakes, and punctuation.

In many legal settings specialized forms of written communication are required. In many others, writing is the medium in which a lawyer must express their analysis of an issue and seek to persuade others on their clients' behalf. Any legal document must be concise, clear, and conform to the objective standards that have evolved in the legal profession.

There are generally two types of legal writing. The first type requires a balanced analysis of a legal problem or issue. The second type of legal writing is persuasive.

The drafting of legal documents, such as contracts and wills, is yet another type of legal writing. Guides are available to aid a lawyer in preparing the documents but a unique application of the "form" to the facts of the situation is often required. Poor drafting can lead to unnecessary litigation and otherwise injure the interests of a client.

This course will allow attendees to create concise and clear legal writing for use in a variety of situations.

1. Legal writing skills. Legal thinking skills. How legal logic helps in writing documents.
2. The standards, style and structures of the documents
  • Effective preparation of legal documents (conclusions, letters, memorandums, e-mails, etc.)
  • Legal Correspondence. How to write concisely and persuasively without loss of meaning or clarity.
  • The usage of special linguistic methods and instruments of legal technique
  • Legal letters, emails, memoranda and opinions
  • Components of legal communications
  • Plain English
  • Content organization
  • Effective language style - concise, clear and forceful
  • Paper advocacy - persuasive legal writing
  • Interactive writing exercises
  • Exercises to practice brevity and conciseness and accuracy
  • Grammar Exercises
3. The essential basic vocabulary and phrases in legal documents.
  • Legalese - common and useful Latin and Norman French words, phrases and meaning
4. Consistent grammar structures in texts
5. Common terms and phrases
  • “Best or reasonable endeavours”
  • Joint and several
  • “Time is of the Essence”
  • Drafting warranties
  • Drafting indemnities and limitation of liability clauses
  • Drafting termination clauses
  • Subject to contract
6. Language to avoid
  • Sexist language, ambiguity, constantly litigated words, jargon, nominalizations, over-defining.
  • Interactive writing exercises
7. Contract Overview
  • Typical content & analysis (conditions, obligations, authorizations & limitations), key clauses, drafting principles, troubleshooting tips, contract redrafting exercises.
8. Contract Drafting
  • Writing legal opinions, correspondence memoranda and email
  • Drafting pre-contractual documentation
  • Drafting general contractual terms and specific clauses
  • Interactive writing exercises
9. Participants’ text review & trainer feedback exercise
10. Final discussion, questions
  • The course is a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Note: All our corporate training programs are customized to the clients’ requirements.

СТОИМОСТЬ: 49900 руб.
Аири Кемппайнен
8 (800) 551-22-85
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