Семинары и тренинги на английском языке проводятся при определенном количестве человек в группе. Рекомендуем проведение обучения на английском языке в корпоративном формате в любом городе РФ и СНГ.
Семинары и тренинги на английском в открытом формате проводят филологи, преподаватели английского языка, преимущественно русскоязычные. По запросу компаний приглашаем англоязычных преподавателей, а также бизнес-тренеров / узких профильных специалистов со знанием английского языка / с филологическим образованием. По специализированным темам (деловое письмо на английском, юридический английский, логистика на английском, межкультурная коммуникация на английском, управление проектами на английском и др.) возможно привлечение узких специалистов со знанием языка (юристов, логистов, культурологов со знанием специфики той или иной страны, специалистов по управлению проектами и других). В данном случае стоимость определяется с учетом темы, специфики, уровня того или иного специалиста / преподавателя в Москве и в Санкт-Петербурге.
Топ-менеджеры организаций, руководители среднего звена, линейные менеджеры.
Повысить навыки участников в области управления персоналом.
When managing the people within an organization, a manager must focus on both hiring the right people and then getting the most out of these people. New personnel must provide the organization with the best talent available that meets the needs of the business. The organization must look ahead to how a new employee can be used to their fullest. Getting the most out of an employee means a business has consistent policies and practices in place to provide its people with appropriate training and development. Employees are involved as "partners" in the business. People Management will be an invaluable session for attendees wishing to manage better.
It is a costly mistake to get lost in the false theory that more money equals happy employees. Believing this is costing you valuable time, revenue, employees...and even threatening your own job. Too many bonus or commission checks get cashed, spent and forgotten just that quickly. Grocery stores and gasoline stations are among the necessary stops that seem to get in the way of using your extra cash on something special for you. One alternative to giving commissions or bonus dollars is to give gifts through a catalog point system. Other approaches to motivating the team in the legal environment are shared and examined. All these and more are examined in the session of Motivating The Team.
Constructive and honest feedback techniques are also addressed. Delegation is one of the most important management skills. These logical rules and techniques will help you to delegate well (and will help you to help your manager when you are being delegated a task or new responsibility - delegation is a two-way process!). Good delegation saves you time, develops you people, grooms a successor, and motivates. Poor delegation will cause you frustration, demotivates and confuses the other person, and fails to achieve the task or purpose itself. Hence "Effective Delegation" is a management skill that's worth improving.