Syndrome of 'hairy paw', or 150 Contacts for Businessman

Not so many people in Russia know what networking is. It's a science how to make necessary, social contacts useful for business. All know how to do it, but the word itself has recently appeared in our lexicon. And many people have negative attitude to the art of «links groundwork». Probably, we got used to think, that if everywhere a young upstart only from the university poorly directs the staff with years of experience, a doctor prescribes the wrong medicine- a talented team splits due to poor management. They've hardly held their posts without someone's help. Networking is so often associated with a bribe or 'hairy paw'(ed. -a high patron who favours someone), but not with what it really means, with its «white side».

Kate Ferrazzi, the guru of networking, the founder and СEO of the consulting company Greenlight, the author of the book «Never eat alone» says in his interview to «Networking is a specific feature of forming really high partnerships which will help you to achieve success».

Here are seven steps from Kate Ferrazzi, the implementation of which opens the way to the progress in skills of communication:

-Define three persons of greatest significance for you at present. Answer the question what you can give them, and what they can give you.

- Define the possibility to contact them and decide how soon it can be done.

-Realize conceived on one of three persons who are of greatest significance for you.

-Speed ​​up the opportunity to contact the rest of them - find a way.

-Decide what people of your surroundings are vital for you, who – intermediaries and who – instructors.

-Create your own personal brand: provide your presence at social networks and mass media.

-Run business with generosity, sincerity, responsibility and close friendly relations. What part in businessman's life should Networking take?

Kate Ferrazzi: It should take all parts of his life. The reason is the fact that each goal which a man from a business world set for himself, can be reached with someone's help. In other words, other people are responsible for his success. It can be shown in any way, from personnel hiring to client base expansion or business partnership discussion. What kind of communication is the most important?

K.F.: It's scientifically proved that the wider circle of contacts, the easier to find the right people who can help you with their relations. All are important, but the most important are those who are able to provide you with their base of significant business contacts. What determines the skill to easily make new acquaintances? Is it possible to learn how to do it? What should unsure of themselves people do?

K.F.: The most important point in overture is the ability to show curiosity and interest in the interlocutor. There's no magic. You should sincerely show the qualities I called- a sincere desire to know about the person as much as possible. You can develop these qualities in yourself. All the same as if you weren't able to play a piano, but were eager to do it and found the person who taught you to play some simple songs. You can always get the best results in any practice. The majority of shy people don't want to vapour. But I don't ask to do it; I ask to have intelligent conversations which are interesting. What major mistakes do businessmen make in networking?

K.F.: The biggest mistake people make in the process of networking is simple collecting of business cards. While the main aim is to create a contact with your opponent. After all, if you just took a business card, without being interested in that person, the next day both you and he won't remember each other and the way how you can be helpful to each other. What's your attitude to the Russian proverb 'an old friend is better than two new ones'?

K.F.: Depends on how good the old and the new ones are. Very often, moving on in life, we have to start new relationships, which will help us to reach the place where we're going. Staying in close acquaintance with only those who you know well, you risk getting stuck on the way of your development. To what extent is networking course required in modern business education programs?

K.F.: It's very necessary; we've just worked out one. A major role in the success of business plays the influence and the way how you can create it in the increasingly complex world.

Anna Soldatova, 

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